The one thing I HATE the most.
I'm okay with going through rough times; give me a goal, and I can hunker down through anything. But throw some trouble my way, don't give me a clue as to when, where or how it will end, and don't include any instructions for the meantime, and you'll have a Missy-mess on your hands.
Several major troubles have hit at once, and a smaller one happened last night. Jeremy called me at three in the morning to tell me that his truck had broken down! He slept in it until 7AM when I came to rescue him. Today, I am laughing at it all. I even counted out how many things have happened in the last five days. Seven problems, and I'm not talking about little things, have jumped on us in the last five days. It really is amusing if you stop to think about it.
On Monday, I thought back to my contentment post and wondered if God was preparing me then for all of this. I know absolutely for sure that He is still in control, that He is not surprised, that He is doing what is THE BEST for me and my family. So I'm not really all that worried about anything.
I'm just resentful that I have to go through it.
Yesterday afternoon, Liberty was hungry. As I stood at the kitchen counter in a small beam of sunlight and mixed her rice cereal, she sat behind me and loudly let me know that she was unhappy with the timing of her meal. I heard myself saying over my shoulder to her, "Hold on a minute, Baby Girl, I'm making something wonderful for you, but it's going to take a little time. You don't really want me to rush it and give you lumpy cereal, now do you?"
And it hit me.
That is what I'm doing with God. I am trusting Him to give me something good, but I'm not trusting Him to do it in His time. I am begging for lumpy cereal, just so I can have it NOW, rather than letting Him take the time to make something wonderful for me.
Psalm 5:3 In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
Psalm 38:15 LORD, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God.
Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong, take heart and wait for the LORD.
So here I am...
I'm okay with going through rough times; give me a goal, and I can hunker down through anything. But throw some trouble my way, don't give me a clue as to when, where or how it will end, and don't include any instructions for the meantime, and you'll have a Missy-mess on your hands.
Several major troubles have hit at once, and a smaller one happened last night. Jeremy called me at three in the morning to tell me that his truck had broken down! He slept in it until 7AM when I came to rescue him. Today, I am laughing at it all. I even counted out how many things have happened in the last five days. Seven problems, and I'm not talking about little things, have jumped on us in the last five days. It really is amusing if you stop to think about it.
On Monday, I thought back to my contentment post and wondered if God was preparing me then for all of this. I know absolutely for sure that He is still in control, that He is not surprised, that He is doing what is THE BEST for me and my family. So I'm not really all that worried about anything.
I'm just resentful that I have to go through it.
Yesterday afternoon, Liberty was hungry. As I stood at the kitchen counter in a small beam of sunlight and mixed her rice cereal, she sat behind me and loudly let me know that she was unhappy with the timing of her meal. I heard myself saying over my shoulder to her, "Hold on a minute, Baby Girl, I'm making something wonderful for you, but it's going to take a little time. You don't really want me to rush it and give you lumpy cereal, now do you?"
And it hit me.
That is what I'm doing with God. I am trusting Him to give me something good, but I'm not trusting Him to do it in His time. I am begging for lumpy cereal, just so I can have it NOW, rather than letting Him take the time to make something wonderful for me.
Psalm 5:3 In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
Psalm 38:15 LORD, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God.
Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong, take heart and wait for the LORD.
So here I am...