My family is leaving us today, and I am very sad. My two brothers, Nate and Joe, and my sister-in-love, Suzy, are going home either tonight or tomorrow morning. I'm at work today, but when I get home, their things will be all packed, and there will be no pile of luggage and no dogs to remind me of their presence. (Nate and Suzy brought their two dogs with them: Bonnie - a cute Scottish Terrier, and Montana - a small German Shepherd/Chow.)

I've decided that my family needs to move closer to us. We have a small subdivision that would work nicely for our clan.
Kimmie is coming home today!!! She's been visiting my parents and siblings in Illinois, and she's riding home with two of my brothers and my sister-in-law. I can't wait to hug her (although she called yesterday and informed me of a terrible sunburn that she has recently acquired, so she may not be so thrilled to receive my hug!)

Jeremy and I are both off of work for the rest of this week, and we have tons of fun planned for Nate, Suzy and Joe's week long visit. Think picnics and hikes and fireworks!
