Do you know how wonderful my husband is?

He is watching the kids right now so that I can have some free time. Alone. Silence. Peace.

And it was all his idea!!

I headed into town to work out at the gym, and decided to make a quick stop at the office to check something on the internet. My quick stop has turned into a two-hour catch-up of all things internet related, and now I am realizing that I probably don't have time to work out. But maybe I do. I will just hop onto a treadmill to walk for thirty minutes, and then head home.

Or something like that.
Anybody want my baby?

For a couple of nights only, she's free to a good home.

And then I want her back!

Cuz she's mighty cute...even when she's preventing me from snoring.
Inspired by Donette, here is my list for today:

1. I'm wondering . . . what the prices are going to be for Kimmie's Senior pictures. She's really a Senior this year!!!

2. I'm reading . . . A Brother Beloved by somebody whose last name starts with an A. It's an old book that I found at my church library, and so far, fairly interesting. I'm wondering when the plot will twist, and if it will twist.

3. I'm feeling . . . content about everything.

4. I'm happy . . . that Jeremy and I have a plan in place to pay off some bills by February!!!

5. I'm thinking . . . about twirling around in the sunshine outside.

6. I'm hoping . . . that my leftover, leftover spaghetti that I brought for lunch yesterday and today will magically turn into a sub from Jersey Mike's (which we do not have in this state).

7. I'm dreaming . . . of beautiful white Victorian houses with wraparound porches containing flowers and wicker furniture and porch swings. Of lush green grass dotted with large old trees. Of peaceful tranquility and happy summer days.

8. I'm going . . . to eat my lunch as soon as I finish typing.

9. I'm wishing . . . my bike seat were fixed.

10. I'm enjoying . . . the perfect azure sky as viewed through my office window.

11. I'm planning . . . to be out there soon.

12. I'm laughing . . . at Jeremy's last email to me concerning his Mountain Dew addiction.

13. I'm loving . . . Jeremy.

14. I'm thankful for . . . all of my girls, and I'm really enjoying my newest one.

15. I'm clinging . . . to an idea revealed in Psalm 31. The entire chapter shows anguish and calamity, but in the center of it all, the author writes, "I will be glad and rejoice in Your love," Ps 31:7. So, I too, will be glad and rejoice in God's love, through everything! Yay for me!
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Catching up on work is keeping me too busy for a real post, but never fear! Pictures and stories coming soon.
My first day of work.

I've been worried that my still hormonal brain would wimp out on me today, but so far, I'm organized and focused for the first time in a long time.

Wish me luck!