I is for... Imagination!
Victory Joy is my first baby that I've been able to be home with during the day. If you've been reading this blog since it's auspicious beginning back in 2006, you'll know that I worked full-time until my middle daughter Mercy Jane was a year old. So this staying home and raising a baby is new to me even though she's my third child. I can't say that I've loved every minute of it, but I have definitely treasured every minute of it!
Now that my baby has turned one, her little imagination is blowing my expectations away. I don't remember when my other two started imaginary play, but I feel like VJ has started earlier, or at the very least is more advanced right from the start than her sisters were at imagining. But then again, maybe I don't remember what I'm talking about.
What I do know is that living with Victory right now is so much fun! I was reading a picture book to her the other day, and she "picked" a leaf off the page and handed it to me. I'd never seen her do something like this before, so I played along to discover what would happen next. She placed it in my hand and let me hold it for two seconds, then she took it back and blew on it. Then she placed it in my hand for another two seconds before taking it back. She hesitated, not sure how to get rid of it. She finally dissolved it by rubbing her fingers together over the pretend leaf, and it disappeared.
She carries her baby with her everywhere. This is another first for me because Liberty never played with dolls. Liberty had too many brilliant, active ideas to waste her time caring for a piece of plastic, and since Liberty always had something amazing going on, Mercy joined in her older sister's play instead of messing with dolls. So watching VJ tenderly care for her little baby pleases me immensely. Today she fed it a bottle before buckling it into the highchair and shoving a banana into its mouth (which I need to clean out, now). Yesterday, she overturned an empty laundry hamper and the two of them spent the afternoon together inside its coziness.

One of my other favorite imaginary games VJ plays happens in her crib. From the living room, I hear squeals and growls as Victory imitates various animal sounds. Then she begins a conversation with her baby or her stuffed dog in her crib, and it can carry on for 30 minutes or longer some days. It's very dramatic and entertaining, and some day, when she enunciates better, I'm going to be even more amused.
For now, I'm loving this stage of my baby's life!
Victory Joy is my first baby that I've been able to be home with during the day. If you've been reading this blog since it's auspicious beginning back in 2006, you'll know that I worked full-time until my middle daughter Mercy Jane was a year old. So this staying home and raising a baby is new to me even though she's my third child. I can't say that I've loved every minute of it, but I have definitely treasured every minute of it!
Now that my baby has turned one, her little imagination is blowing my expectations away. I don't remember when my other two started imaginary play, but I feel like VJ has started earlier, or at the very least is more advanced right from the start than her sisters were at imagining. But then again, maybe I don't remember what I'm talking about.
What I do know is that living with Victory right now is so much fun! I was reading a picture book to her the other day, and she "picked" a leaf off the page and handed it to me. I'd never seen her do something like this before, so I played along to discover what would happen next. She placed it in my hand and let me hold it for two seconds, then she took it back and blew on it. Then she placed it in my hand for another two seconds before taking it back. She hesitated, not sure how to get rid of it. She finally dissolved it by rubbing her fingers together over the pretend leaf, and it disappeared.
She carries her baby with her everywhere. This is another first for me because Liberty never played with dolls. Liberty had too many brilliant, active ideas to waste her time caring for a piece of plastic, and since Liberty always had something amazing going on, Mercy joined in her older sister's play instead of messing with dolls. So watching VJ tenderly care for her little baby pleases me immensely. Today she fed it a bottle before buckling it into the highchair and shoving a banana into its mouth (which I need to clean out, now). Yesterday, she overturned an empty laundry hamper and the two of them spent the afternoon together inside its coziness.
For now, I'm loving this stage of my baby's life!