We had a GREAT time camping at the Lake over the Memorial Day weekend! Here are some pictures from it.Our campsite was right on the river. Left to Right: Kimmie, Missy, Jeremy, Liberty (Notice that Liberty already doesn't want to be seen with us!)
A section of the old railroad bridge collapsed during the flood of '93, and I loved the scene created by the remains - perfect scope for the imagination!
We camped with our friends, Dan & Kari and their son, Aaron. (Dan was the photographer for this picture.)
Sunset over Lake Red Rock! Kimmie after dark
We visited the dam...
...and followed the mostly submerged walkway into the water.
Liberty stayed dry with Kari...
...and supervised the bugs.
Later, we pretended to safari.
When we found this deer, we had to take a picture; it was just too funny!

Back at the campsite, Aaron played a new and improved version of Duck, Duck, Goose.

My mischeivous baby cooked up her own ideas.

Hatching the plan

"What? I'm innocent!"

We fished and fished, but caught nothing. Kimmie wanted a fish so badly that she took a picture of someone else's catch.

I accidentally stepped into Kimmie's picture of the shore.

Liberty was happy that she didn't have to eat any fish.

Of course, she is happy just about anywhere. Here she is in the tent.

And here in her Tot-Tot.

Super Baby!

All in all, we had a great time camping...

...and Kimmie was happy to be back home!

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