God has been very nice to me. He's sent friend after friend to check on me, encourage me and help me out. Long distance friends have emailed and called just to say they care. Close by friends have come over and physically helped, or given a big hug and let me cry in their arms. People all over the place keep stopping their lives to show me they care about me.
Since Daddy left, Liberty has had nightmares that keep her up and crying many hours out of the night. I'm not sure how to help her other than holding her and reminding her that she is loved and will never be abandoned. Daddy calls several times each day to talk with Liberty and Mercy and to reassure them that he loves them and that he will return as soon as he can. He calls again at bedtime to tell them night-night. I tell Liberty every night when I tuck her in that I am still in the house, and we will see each other again in the morning. When she cries out in the night full of terror, I snuggle her close and rock her back and forth, back and forth, murmuring quiet words of reassurance, until her sobs subside and her body relaxes and I can tuck her in again. Many times, I need to tuck Mercy in again, too.
Last night, Mercy unplugged the baby monitor (because the house was in showing order, and her crib had been pushed too close to the cord). This morning, I found out that Liberty had spent the entire night screaming for me, but I never came because I didn't hear her. Liberty is an emotional mess right now. Mercy is exhausted from listening to Liberty all night. My heart hurts because I failed my daughter.
And God prompted my friend Sue to send this email to me:
Morning Missy,
I’ve been praying for you ever since we visited on Sunday. Praise the Lord, that our God is with us and in us! We can count on His presence!
Ps 46:1 - "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble!"
Isaiah 40:27b-31 - "Don’t you know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out, he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
Rise above your stress, not be under it! See this time as a challenge and rise to the occasion! March on O my soul, be Strong!
In the Shadow of His Wings,
Can I repeat myself? God is very good to me!
I challenge you who are reading this blog: Who in your life needs a verse sent to them today? It is easy to think about encouraging someone. Take some time to actually do it. It may be necessary to their mental and spiritual health.
Since Daddy left, Liberty has had nightmares that keep her up and crying many hours out of the night. I'm not sure how to help her other than holding her and reminding her that she is loved and will never be abandoned. Daddy calls several times each day to talk with Liberty and Mercy and to reassure them that he loves them and that he will return as soon as he can. He calls again at bedtime to tell them night-night. I tell Liberty every night when I tuck her in that I am still in the house, and we will see each other again in the morning. When she cries out in the night full of terror, I snuggle her close and rock her back and forth, back and forth, murmuring quiet words of reassurance, until her sobs subside and her body relaxes and I can tuck her in again. Many times, I need to tuck Mercy in again, too.
Last night, Mercy unplugged the baby monitor (because the house was in showing order, and her crib had been pushed too close to the cord). This morning, I found out that Liberty had spent the entire night screaming for me, but I never came because I didn't hear her. Liberty is an emotional mess right now. Mercy is exhausted from listening to Liberty all night. My heart hurts because I failed my daughter.
And God prompted my friend Sue to send this email to me:
Morning Missy,
I’ve been praying for you ever since we visited on Sunday. Praise the Lord, that our God is with us and in us! We can count on His presence!
Ps 46:1 - "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble!"
Isaiah 40:27b-31 - "Don’t you know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out, he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
Rise above your stress, not be under it! See this time as a challenge and rise to the occasion! March on O my soul, be Strong!
In the Shadow of His Wings,
Can I repeat myself? God is very good to me!
I challenge you who are reading this blog: Who in your life needs a verse sent to them today? It is easy to think about encouraging someone. Take some time to actually do it. It may be necessary to their mental and spiritual health.
Hi Missy...you don't know me but my husband is Roger B...he taught at one time in New Jersey. He directed me to your blog!
I know exactly how you feel when you say your heart hurts because you FEEL as though you failed your daughter. There have been more times than I want to remember that I have had that feeling...like forgetting a field trip, forgetting a class party at school, forgetting a promise that I promised one of my children, or blaming one of them for something they didn't do. We're just human and it sounds to me like you are an extraordinary human momma.
God has given you a wonderful, sweet heart and I think your little ones are so blessed that they have you. God chose well when He made you their mommy.
I understand how sad you must feel that she needed you and you weren't able to be there for her but maybe YOU needed some well deserved rest and that GOD chose to let HIS little girl (YOU) sleep! Don't be so hard on yourself...I know, that's not as easy as it sounds, isn't it?
Have a wonderful day filled with God's blessings!