That's from Goonies, right? I can't quite remember. UPDATED: My sister Charity has informed me in a slightly incredulous comment that the quote is actually from Star Wars.
Our pen-pal process is officially progressing! Lisa and I have typed several little notes back and forth, and we are now FRIENDS!!!


PS> Liberty pulled out my Bible a few minutes ago and started "reading" it out loud. I asked her, "What do you know about Jesus, Liberty?" And she said, "He forgives me. A LOT."

Me too! Yay for us!
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2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I'm glad the plan is working! It was a good idea.

    I have a quick Jesus story...

    My father-in-law was in town a few months ago and he got to spend a lot of time with his granddaughters. When he left, my daughter spent a few days looking through her bible. Finally, she went to he mom and asked who Jesus Henry was because she couldn't find him in her bible. When my wife told me that I thought I was going to fall out laughing. Of course, my wife had to explain that one to our daughter AND her father.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    No it's not the Goonies it's from Star Wars when Little Ani started the engine to his pod racer.
    Silly girl you of all people... *shakes head sadly*

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