Thanks for lending me your opinions, everyone. (And by the way,
HI, CATHY!) You know, it just occurred to me that the greeting picture does not have to be my face. It could be a picture of long as I can figure out how to move that Archive box down, but that's a job for another day. I'm exhausted.
The time change has not been kind to our family, and all this messing with the blog late at night has not helped me get my hour of sleep back. Last night, although the girls went to bed at their normal bedtime, Liberty and Mercy were still awake and giggling to each other at 11pm. So today, I instituted the STATE OF EMERGENCY NO NAP DAY. We started off the day right by leaving a fun voicemail for Daddy, then we ate breakfast, cleaned up together, worked out with my pilates video together (kind of), piled up cushions in the middle of the living room and then ran from the opposite wall and belly-flopped onto the cushions. I was surprised at how amazingly good it felt to do that myself. One time I accidentally flipped head-first over the cushions, and the giggling that followed released a lot of stress I've been allowing to build up. Which reminds me, I need to go to bed.
But first I want to finish telling you about our day, because it was just that wonderful, it needs to be shared.
We ate leftover asparagus and potatoes for lunch. I just nuked the bowl full of greens and the three of us each grabbed a fork and shared the bowl. My soul felt good watching my girls dig into the new (to us) vegetable with me and enjoying it. Then we went to the doctor's office where we discovered Mercy has an ear infection (and I'm wondering if I may be working on one, too, because my left ear hurts drastically!) Afterwards, we drove to Wal*Mart to pick up Mercy's Amoxicillin, a case of Aquafina, and new boxers for Jeremy. (You hear that, Jeremy? I found your ever elusive "favorite" boxers, so when you come home, you can be super happy with your underpants! What better way to entice you home, yes?)
On our way back to the apartment, it was revealed to me that our local seasonal ice cream store was once again open for business! I debated quickly. On the one hand, ice cream is not on the healthy foods list that I keep in my head. On the other hand, I've done an amazing job of not indulging in any of my old habits this past week and a half. (Thank You, God.) On the one hand, I don't want to ruin all of my hard work. On the other hand, this is not a "diet," it's a lifestyle, and it's flexible; one ice cream is not a crime for me. On the one hand, will I be able to stop at just one ice cream? You would not believe how painstakingly I researched the pros and cons of this decision. On the other hand, it's a gorgeous, warm, sunny day (and I heard that snow is in the forecast in a few days) so I decided to go, but go as the new Missy, not the old uncontrollable me. I ordered a small vanilla yogurt and requested three dishes. The girls and I split the treat. Aren't you proud of me? I was.
And then I added peanut butter and marshmallow toppings.
Because the sun was shining.
You know?
But the best part for me was realizing that those few bites satisfied me. I didn't have a wild, uncontrollable craving for more. (Please read that last sentence in a tone of wonderment.) I'm actually enjoying my self-imposed "healthy" lifestyle, and I didn't care about the ice cream. I tasted freedom, freedom from the bondage of food, and it tasted good.
We also stopped at the library and paid my over-due fine. Then we picked out Sesame Street's "Do The Alphabet" video and "Dance Along" video, and I got the last two books in the Welcome To Partonville (Dear Dorothy) series that I've been reading. And by the way, I HIGHLY recommend this series. It's by Charlene Ann Baumbich. Read it! You won't regret it.
The girls watched the alphabet video while I made Chicken Stirfry. I'll tell you all about that later. Then we hung out at the park making sand castles with our buckets and shovels. (Grandpa and Nonna, those are the best things you have ever sent -- besides the dress-up clothes.) I single-handedly confronted an evil gang of teenage boys in souped-up cars who were racing around the parking lot, and later when the police asked me to describe them, all I could remember was "three of them had dark hair." Sigh. I guess my
spy skills have gone downhill, and just when I finally get to use them!
Bathtime followed, then cuddling my clean-smelling little girls and reading bedtime stories, tucking them in, and seeing with my own two eyes the fact that NO NAP DAY really works! Liberty never attempted a bedroom break. There were no claims of thirst, or needs to go potty. The decibel-level in the bedroom remained at zero.