In church today our pastor has started a new series preaching through Acts.  My friends and I are super duper excited about it because we’ve been reading through Luke and Acts together in our Bible Study, and we’ve been yearning for the Spirit to fill and move our church like that.  I went to the second service, and you should have seen the texts flying between us all between services, started by the people who went to the first service!  It was so fun!

While I sat in the service, God said some specific things to me, and then I prayed some specific prayers back to Him.  I prayed tentatively at first, unsure if what I was asking was what I should be asking, but God confirmed it in my spirit, so I asked a little bolder again, and then the enormity of God’s goodness and graciousness to me overwhelmed me, and I began weeping.  

I still slightly wondered if I weren’t maybe overstepping my bounds by such bold requests even though God has already approved them to me.  While I was still wondering this to myself and to God, someone stepped up behind me, put a hand on my back, and began speaking firmly, “He is FOR YOU; He is FOR you; He is FOR you and your family and your children for generations.”  That is when I knew for sure the bold requests I was requesting had been completely approved by God, and HE was commissioning me into a new area of service for Him. 

Afterwards, I turned around and asked the lady behind me if that had been her hand on my back and her voice declaring firmly in my ear.  She affirmed that it was, and said she had never done anything like that before, but just felt an immense pressure that she was supposed to do this for me.  To tell me repeatedly that God was for me, and to bless me that way.  At first she resisted, but then couldn’t resist anymore and just HAD to.  I am so glad she obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit in her!

This was extra special to me because previously I had reached out to spiritual mentors in my life with questions about this new calling I believe I have been receiving, and none of them had responded.  God showed me in church this morning that HE commissions me, not people.  HE has anointed me for this purpose, and HE has sealed my life with HIS approval for HIS work.  Bold requests are a part of the new work He has for me to do.

I am excited to see how He accomplishes the two specific items He put on my heart to request.  I am delighted to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! 😃

Also, since it is January 2nd, my photo theme is “this is me.”  So here’s my pic.

I considered moving the throw pillows off the back of the easy chair before taking the selfie, but that would have been too much work, and I was feeling quite content and relaxed at the moment.  Happy Missy. 😊

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