More wafts from our bathroom than just odorous molecules. Liberty is potty-training, and she takes a l-o-n-g t-i-m-e when she's sitting on her throne. However, she believes her verbal skills need practicing, so she faithfully practices every moment that she is awake, including the moments spent on the toilet.

I have heard more than one entertaining story shouted from the bathroom into the kitchen or living room where I am working, and I have been required to laugh, agree with and otherwise validate the long-distance storyteller.

But this morning's drifted words topped them all.

"Mommy!" came the expected little voice.

"What, honey?" I responded.

"I'm having stinks."


"I'm having a little stink for Mercy Jane."

I smothered a chuckle. "I'm sure Mercy Jane would appreciate that, Liberty Grace."



"Okay," she narrated a few moments later. "And I'm having a big stink, too."

I did not answer as I chased Mercy Jane and wrestled a sock onto her foot.

"This big stink is for you, Mommy!" She sounded pleased with herself.

How can I ever thank her?
5 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    That is great! I laughed out loud with the BIG stink. I mean, what better present can you get from your child.

    ... OK there are several things you can get that are better but none will have the long lasting impact of a BIG stink.

    Our 4-year old has been potty trained for over a year now but she still comes out of the bathroom and announces it to everyone that she poopied (sometimes describing BIG or small as well) and she makes us all clap for her wonderful performance.

    But I will say, she has never gifted it or or even dedicated it to me.

    I'm jealous.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Ha! Oh you lucky mommy! :)

  3. Beth Says:

    Oh dear, that's funny!! I remember when my son Aaron strained soooo hard trying to poopie that he threw up a little bit and IT landed in his potty instead! He thought it was quite an accomplishment, though, and we had to clap and clap for that as well!! Oh, I guess I should add that this has been a really long time ago. He's 26 now and we don't have to do that anymore.....

  4. Suanna Says:

    Sounds like something my kids would do. They haven't though. When they do, I'll think of you.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    You could re-gift :)

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