From my last two posts, you can tell that I am in desperate need of inspiration, and that is why I have borrowed an idea from my friend Tiffany. It goes like this.
I AM - waiting. For summer, for a house, for the flu to leave our family, for Jeremy to get home from work. And now I have that song While I'm Waiting in my head.
I HAVE - tons of pictures on my camera that I keep struggling to get onto the computer. This should not be so hard, really!
I WISH - I could go running right this second. In the sunshine. Where is it?
I WANT - to eat tacos for supper tonight, and we have all the ingredients! Guess what we're having!
I FEAR - that the sun will never shine again. Or that when it does, it will last only a day before the next snowfall. I believe this is a reasonable fear.
I HEAR - a fabric duck quacking and Mr. Mumford turning the entire world into quacking people.
I WONDER - when Liberty and I will be able to breathe through our noses again?
I REGRET - not buying chocolate chips the last time I was at the grocery store.
I LOVE - running barefoot through soft green grass while the SUN SHINES on my face and the WARM wind tosses my hair behind me.
I ALWAYS - Um, after much thought, I realize that I ALWAYS lack consistency. It has something to do with not enjoying boredom.
I USUALLY - read books, but the plots all seem the same to me right now. Can anyone recommend something wonderful to read?
I AM NOT - well. Really, you can ask Jeremy.
I SING - Happy Birthday off key quite horribly. You should come hear me sometime.
I RARELY - pick my nose. Oh, that should go in the I NEVER category. Ooops.
I NEVER - (and what do you know, there actually is a NEVER category.) I never knew blogging could be so complicated.
I CRY - What? That's a complete sentence all by itself. I suppose they want me to tell you what I cry about or how often I cry. Let's see, well, I teared up last night as I was writing our 2009 recap because I checked my blog to see what we did last year, and I found this post.
I AM NOT ALWAYS - this random or this disgusted with the sun.
I NEED - SUNSHINE!!! Do you hear me? SUNSHINE!!!
I AM - waiting. For summer, for a house, for the flu to leave our family, for Jeremy to get home from work. And now I have that song While I'm Waiting in my head.
I HAVE - tons of pictures on my camera that I keep struggling to get onto the computer. This should not be so hard, really!
I WISH - I could go running right this second. In the sunshine. Where is it?
I WANT - to eat tacos for supper tonight, and we have all the ingredients! Guess what we're having!
I FEAR - that the sun will never shine again. Or that when it does, it will last only a day before the next snowfall. I believe this is a reasonable fear.
I HEAR - a fabric duck quacking and Mr. Mumford turning the entire world into quacking people.
I WONDER - when Liberty and I will be able to breathe through our noses again?
I REGRET - not buying chocolate chips the last time I was at the grocery store.
I LOVE - running barefoot through soft green grass while the SUN SHINES on my face and the WARM wind tosses my hair behind me.
I ALWAYS - Um, after much thought, I realize that I ALWAYS lack consistency. It has something to do with not enjoying boredom.
I USUALLY - read books, but the plots all seem the same to me right now. Can anyone recommend something wonderful to read?
I AM NOT - well. Really, you can ask Jeremy.
I SING - Happy Birthday off key quite horribly. You should come hear me sometime.
I RARELY - pick my nose. Oh, that should go in the I NEVER category. Ooops.
I NEVER - (and what do you know, there actually is a NEVER category.) I never knew blogging could be so complicated.
I CRY - What? That's a complete sentence all by itself. I suppose they want me to tell you what I cry about or how often I cry. Let's see, well, I teared up last night as I was writing our 2009 recap because I checked my blog to see what we did last year, and I found this post.
I AM NOT ALWAYS - this random or this disgusted with the sun.
I NEED - SUNSHINE!!! Do you hear me? SUNSHINE!!!
You are so funny. I hope you feel better soon and get sunshine!
Nice. So you are the one that everyone hears when everyone else is singing Happy Birthday on key. I always wondered who that was.
Taking pictures is easy. Getting them off the camera is the hard part.
Alright, crazy girl, the word is..."Hoosier"...Say it with me, "Hoosier."
We don't have ANY INDIANANS in Indiana. We don't even know how to spell it.......hehe
What "S" word is it that you speak of???
'Cause if it is a cuss word, I don't remember if I said it or not. I was pretty angry....Or are you thinking of "step?" It's easy to confuse me...
I'm glad that God and my husband FORGIVES!
What news about your house?????
Talk to you later, Beth
(By the way, did you ever get the package?)
Oh, and the "picking the nose" category...Whew!!!...then YOU are one person I can SAFELY shake hands with!!! What a relief...when we finally get to meet!!!
first of all GET WELL SOON...second - a great book to recommend: The orange girl by Jostein Gaardner...and third - I hope you don't mind, but I'll post this entry (with my version of course) on my website :)
I am straight up stealing this... thank you
Dee Henderson has some riveting stories out there!! Even Jeff enjoys them.