Kimmie enjoys displaying her artwork in her bedroom. She painted, sculpted or drew everything you see here. She excells at anything creative. The white etching around the mirror in her headboard are flowers and leaves.
This is Kimmie's room. She hung Christmas lights at her windows. The sheer curtains are beautiful during the daytime. I'm not sure why this is underlining.

Here is my brother Zach. He's wearing my youngest brother, Pete's coat to be silly. As you can see, it is pretty small on him! Zach is standing near the fireplace in the living room, and you can see the kitchen over his shoulder.
This is my mom in our dining room. Mom, Dad and my three youngest siblings came to visit when Liberty was born. My sister Faith had just finished using the sewing machine (which was a gift from Jim, a friend of mine) to make the two pillows that you see on the table.
More pics coming soon!
hey those wher my pics lol i dont remeber you asking permision lol oh well i dont realy care