
I haven't been sending out my emails recently because I had to stay home from work on Monday with Libby, and then Tuesday, I was swamped!

My poor little baby has been very sick. She went to the doctor on Friday, and he said that she had a really bad cold. Nothing serious, but we needed to watch out for an ear infection. A Nothing Serious Baby Cold is a lot different than a Nothing Serious Missy Cold. I wish I were sick instead of her. She is so miserable; it is very pathetic to hear her cries. Poor Jeremy is sick, too. I think I told you that he was sick on Thursday. Neither one of them was able to sleep; they felt so awful that they just kept waking up. Poor Liberty would be sound asleep looking very peaceful, and out of nowhere, she would scream in pain. But they are both on the mend now! Libby slept quietly all night long, and this morning, she smiled and talked to me the whole time we were getting ready. I'm so glad to have her back, and Jeremy rubbed my back last night at 3:00 am, when he came home from work, so he must be feeling better!

Since we moved, we have been looking for a good church to attend. This past Sunday, we tried a new one, and we LOVED it. The adult Sunday School class is studying the kings in the Old Testament, and we all discussed how the things that happened back then applied to our lives individually. Everyone had a different way that the Bible applied to their life, and it was so cool to be with a group of people who all loved God and wanted to be closer to him by putting His Word into action in their lives! Since we have been visiting other churches, we have found several where the people seemed like they were just meeting because it was a Sunday habit, not because they wanted God to be first in their life. It was very refreshing to visit this church!

Kimmie's teen class is studying the book of Proverbs, and I looked at her Sunday School book with her after we got home on Sunday. It has a section of verses to read each day, and then some questions to answer each day based on the verses. She is really excited about it because she has never had a devotional book before. This is Wednesday, and so far, she has been working in that book everyday. She just told me again that she is really enjoying it.

We are going back tonight for a prayer meeting. They are also having a potluck supper tonight before we pray, and I'm very glad because while I'm typing this my tummy is growling!
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