Keeping it short and sweet, cuz I'm very busy today...and because I took some sinus medication that is making me very drowsy. (Don't look too closely at my spelling and punctuation this time!)
Kimmie's at my office right now. Tomorrow is her last day of school, and she has two exams in the morning. This morning, she had an exam and only an hour of school. She thinks she did pretty well on the exam...we'll see! We're hoping to leave early today to get some shopping done!!!! Fun times!
You know how much I've been hoping for snow at Christmas, and it has been so warm here for the past week. Yesterday, they were predicting rain in the afternoon turning to freezing rain overnight. Kimmie's school even announced a possible two hour delay for this morning! I was skeptical, but hopeful, and when it began raining yesterday afternoon, I was ecstatic! I could hear it pouring rain all night, and I was so happy, but this morning when I woke up, it was 43 degrees outside!!!!! Not cold at all!!!! Now how am I going to get snow if the temperature won't go down?
So everybody, please open your freezer doors tonight...hey, it could happen.
Kimmie's at my office right now. Tomorrow is her last day of school, and she has two exams in the morning. This morning, she had an exam and only an hour of school. She thinks she did pretty well on the exam...we'll see! We're hoping to leave early today to get some shopping done!!!! Fun times!
You know how much I've been hoping for snow at Christmas, and it has been so warm here for the past week. Yesterday, they were predicting rain in the afternoon turning to freezing rain overnight. Kimmie's school even announced a possible two hour delay for this morning! I was skeptical, but hopeful, and when it began raining yesterday afternoon, I was ecstatic! I could hear it pouring rain all night, and I was so happy, but this morning when I woke up, it was 43 degrees outside!!!!! Not cold at all!!!! Now how am I going to get snow if the temperature won't go down?
So everybody, please open your freezer doors tonight...hey, it could happen.
hhaa ya that would be cool lol