I stepped onto the bathroom scale last night and made a decision. I'm going to diet. Lucky you, you get hear all about my dieting laments and celebrations over the next however-long-I-stick-this-out. (Let's hope there are some celebrations!)

I don't think I have ever been on a diet before, and I suppose technically, I'm not really on a diet now. I've just decided to be more choosy about the calories that I'm taking in. Meaning, I'm going to attempt to make better choices on how many and what kind of calories. Since I'm not a mathematical genius, I won't be counting calories. I plan to make common sense choices. For example: if I have an apple and a piece of cake before me, and I'm hungry, I'll choose the apple. Or if I have an apple and a piece of cake before me, and I'm not hungry, I'll say, "No thank you." Now how's that for common sense?

It all sounds like a lovely plan. Let's see what happens.
1 Response
  1. that douse sond like a good plan lol

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