I got a surprise package in the mail yesterday. I LOVE packages, and you must know by now how much I love surprises, so to have those two items combined was incredibly wonderful! Melody, my best friend and neighbor from when I was growing up, mailed me a George Barr McCutcheon book!!!! Aaaahhhh!!!
I'm sorry. That wasn't excited enough.
That's a little better.
She and I share a passion for old books and a love for George Barr McCutcheon in particular. We have hunted old one-room bookstores filled with sunshiney dust-streams and creaky wooden floors, the internet, ebay, garage sales, friend's houses, and musty-smelling dungeons filled with books, books, books, in pursuit of our treasure.
I can remember entire days and nights spent together reading a book aloud to each other when we were in high-school, and giggling. Oh, the giggling! How silly we were! Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick and Graustark by good old GBM were two of our favorites back then.
Remembering the "good old days" and wonderful friendships brings a smile to my face and peace to my heart.
Thank you, my Mel. (Or should I say Frank)
From: your George (Missy)
I'm sorry. That wasn't excited enough.
That's a little better.
She and I share a passion for old books and a love for George Barr McCutcheon in particular. We have hunted old one-room bookstores filled with sunshiney dust-streams and creaky wooden floors, the internet, ebay, garage sales, friend's houses, and musty-smelling dungeons filled with books, books, books, in pursuit of our treasure.
I can remember entire days and nights spent together reading a book aloud to each other when we were in high-school, and giggling. Oh, the giggling! How silly we were! Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick and Graustark by good old GBM were two of our favorites back then.
Remembering the "good old days" and wonderful friendships brings a smile to my face and peace to my heart.
Thank you, my Mel. (Or should I say Frank)
From: your George (Missy)
haha wow you are so stupid lol but i am happy for you because i to now from growing up with you for wow almost 17 years now ya i cant belive it ether lol but yes i to know how much you love those dear old books lol so good for you