We made it to the Strawberry Festival yesterday with our friend Rosemary and shared two mountainous helpings of strawberry shortcake complete with ice cream and whipped cream. Oh, the deliciousness! Vocal Bling, an a cappella female version of a barbershop quartet serenaded us while we ate, and I decided if I were ever part of an a cappella female version of a barbershop quartet, I would want to be named Vocal Bling also.
Then the four of us stood in line for an hour to receive a balloon from a clown. Mercy wanted a "key-cat." Liberty requested a princess and received a pink scepter that has been a delight unto her soul until it popped this morning. The heat, the waiting and the beating sun all convinced Rosemary and I that our time at the festival was quickly drawing to a close, and after the balloons were obtained, Rosemary wisely retreated to an air-conditioned space called home. The girls and I bravely found the back of the face-painting line, but when I spotted a woman still in that line who had joined it at the same time that we had joined the balloon line, I told my sweating, sticky, nap-ready daughters that it was time to go home.
"BUT I WANT TO GET MY FAAAAAAAAACE PAAAAAIINNTTEEEDDD!" When the wailing did not quickly subside, I realized desperate measures were called for.
"I can paint your faces when we get home, but you have to obey and be respectful. Now. It is time to go. What do you say?"
Surprisingly enough, two happy faces beamed up at me, and two "Yes, Mommy!"s chorused out of smiling lips. Startled at the abrupt cheeriness, I stood in line undecided for another thirty seconds.
Then the sun came back out from behind it's passing cloud, and I quickly turned the stroller toward home.
And that, my friends, is how I became a water-color face-painter. Mercy was my first victim. I painted a red heart on one cheek and a purple star on the other. Quick and easy (except for the wiggling), DONE!
I smiled, pleased with myself, and considered carrying my $1.00 non-toxic water-color kit to the next fair with me. I could set up a booth, charge a quarter per face, and make a lovely profit. I began dreaming of all the garage sale bargains I would be able to purchase.
But then Liberty stepped up to my brush and requested a dragon on one side and a "princess with a pretty dress and a crown" on the other side.
Oops, dreamed too soon.
Then the four of us stood in line for an hour to receive a balloon from a clown. Mercy wanted a "key-cat." Liberty requested a princess and received a pink scepter that has been a delight unto her soul until it popped this morning. The heat, the waiting and the beating sun all convinced Rosemary and I that our time at the festival was quickly drawing to a close, and after the balloons were obtained, Rosemary wisely retreated to an air-conditioned space called home. The girls and I bravely found the back of the face-painting line, but when I spotted a woman still in that line who had joined it at the same time that we had joined the balloon line, I told my sweating, sticky, nap-ready daughters that it was time to go home.
"BUT I WANT TO GET MY FAAAAAAAAACE PAAAAAIINNTTEEEDDD!" When the wailing did not quickly subside, I realized desperate measures were called for.
"I can paint your faces when we get home, but you have to obey and be respectful. Now. It is time to go. What do you say?"
Surprisingly enough, two happy faces beamed up at me, and two "Yes, Mommy!"s chorused out of smiling lips. Startled at the abrupt cheeriness, I stood in line undecided for another thirty seconds.
Then the sun came back out from behind it's passing cloud, and I quickly turned the stroller toward home.
And that, my friends, is how I became a water-color face-painter. Mercy was my first victim. I painted a red heart on one cheek and a purple star on the other. Quick and easy (except for the wiggling), DONE!
I smiled, pleased with myself, and considered carrying my $1.00 non-toxic water-color kit to the next fair with me. I could set up a booth, charge a quarter per face, and make a lovely profit. I began dreaming of all the garage sale bargains I would be able to purchase.
But then Liberty stepped up to my brush and requested a dragon on one side and a "princess with a pretty dress and a crown" on the other side.
Oops, dreamed too soon.
Post pictures if you've got 'em! That sounds so cute :)
What??? No Dragon?!?! You denied your child the Dragon? You should have made your husband do it and post pics online of his handiwork. Don't tell him I said that. :)
This sounds so fun.