Mercy leveled the "Why? Weapon" with it's infinite ammunition supply at her sister this morning, and I sat back to enjoy the scene. I thought I'd have to wait until Liberty Grace was grown and had kids of her own before I'd get this level of satisfaction out of life. The conversation started innocently enough.

Mercy: "Whatch doin? Gace?"
Liberty: "I'm resting."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm tired."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I need to rest."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm tired."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I need to rest."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm tired."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I need to rest."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because. I'm. Tired."

A slight pause followed while Mercy Jane arranged herself on the floor next to her sister and snuggled up. I stayed tuned, knowing round two was just around the corner.

M: "Whatcha doin? Gace?"
L: "I'm resting."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm tired."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm tired."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm tired."
M: "Why?"

And so on...until even I was bored of the conversation. After quite a while of this, the conversation took an unexpected turn.

M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm tired."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm tired."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm tired."
M: "Why?"
L: "Because I'm..." (Apparently, she realized she had just wasted thirty minutes of her life, and she stopped to find another tact. Then with the tone of a patient school teacher she began speaking again.) "Mercy Jane, do you see my eyes? See how they are tired? And do you see my tongue? See how it hangs out of my mouth like this?" (She waited while Mercy examined her facial features.) "That means I'm tired."

M: (pause) "Oh."

Now why haven't I ever thought of that? Maybe the child just needs a visual aid.
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3 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    VISUAL AIDS!!! That's what I need! Thanks for this blog post. I will definitely try that. LOL!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    That's so funny that Liberty was willing to keep up with that for so long!

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