It's not that I don't love you all, cuz really, I do. It's not that life hasn't been blog-worthy, cuz really, it has. It's just that we're spending most of our time outside now, and when we do finally make it inside, I have laundry and dishes and meals to tend to. It's also that I'm trying to get to bed earlier as part of my new lifestyle, and none of that lends itself to extra time to spend blogging.
However, the new house is progressing well. We signed off on our plot plan last week - hooray! I'm currently picking a stain color for the front door - leaning towards cherry #2, but we'll see.
The family is progressing well, also. My birthday arrives on Monday - I've asked for a pony; Liberty loves the outdoors - she went streaking this morning, and I had to reign her in a bit; Jeremy's acclimating to his job - he put on his new company shirt last night and danced around the living room for me; Mercy HATES bugs and loves dirt, but Liberty and I actually convinced Mercy to touch a roly-poly this morning - she did with the accompaniment of much shrieking laughter and no wailing and gnashing of teeth. See? Progress!
How's your summer been going?
However, the new house is progressing well. We signed off on our plot plan last week - hooray! I'm currently picking a stain color for the front door - leaning towards cherry #2, but we'll see.
The family is progressing well, also. My birthday arrives on Monday - I've asked for a pony; Liberty loves the outdoors - she went streaking this morning, and I had to reign her in a bit; Jeremy's acclimating to his job - he put on his new company shirt last night and danced around the living room for me; Mercy HATES bugs and loves dirt, but Liberty and I actually convinced Mercy to touch a roly-poly this morning - she did with the accompaniment of much shrieking laughter and no wailing and gnashing of teeth. See? Progress!
How's your summer been going?
Sounds like ya'll 've been having fun. We've been spending more time outside, too. Mostly in the mornin's as it tends to get quite warm in the afternoon (the high tomorrow is supposed to be 101).
You are soooo cute! I wish I could help you get a pony...do you think that they will let you keep a pony in your new neighborhood???
Thanks for the updates, Missy! I'm curious if you got your pony?!
Summer here doesn't officially start until Thursday...the kids are still in school through Wednesday! Juan and Alicia leave on Friday for a youth missions trip to Bledsoe, KY. Michael leaves the following Monday for his 1st year of Jr. Boys camp. So, pretty exciting first week of summer for all of them!
Hope you enjoy your day today!