Monday, December 20th, we celebrated our Thanksgiving Day! We thawed the big turkey and invited friends over for supper (complete with stuffing just for Liberty), and in honor of giving thanks, we read through Liberty's Thankful Chain that we brought home with us from the hospital.
We had a great time reminiscing because each link returned a different memory of the people and conversations that had occurred in our room while that link was being written. The chain is mostly in order, but sometimes people added to both ends, so we found out the timeline of when that particular chain happened in our lives is out of order.
I thought I'd copy the chain here for you all to enjoy as well. I've purposefully left off last names or identifying factors, so that strangers won't feel like their privacy has been violated, and if you read your name and see that you are labeled as only my friend, or as only Liberty's friend, this is what I did. Anyone over 18 years old I listed as my friend; anyone under 18 years old I listed as Liberty's friend, even though most of you are friends with both of us (or all five of us, as the case may be).
I am thankful for lightweight gowns that don't close around all my tubes. Liberty
I am thankful I don’t have to wear pants or underwear when it takes too much energy in the hospital. Liberty
I am thankful for good and funny TV shows to distract you from pain. Martha, RN
I am thankful that my bed at home is so comfortable. Daddy
I am thankful that I get to work with with such awesome kids and families every day, Kahli, child life
I am thankful for my hair growing back. Charlene, cleaning lady
I am thankful for my friends and family. Martha, RN
I am thankful for challenges. Liberty
I am thankful for God's omnipresent love. Liberty
I am thankful for people’s love. Liberty
I am thankful for trials. Liberty
I am thankful for angels’ and spiritual beings’ helping me. Liberty
At this point, friends began mailing and texting thankful links to us to add to the chain. Often the friends mentioned belong to all members of our family, but in an effort to clarify things for readers, if the person was an adult I've listed them as Mommy's friend, and if the person was younger than 18 years old I've listed them as Liberty's friend.
I am thankful for friends to get you through crazy times. Jonelle, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for good times with family. Briana, Mommy's friend
I am thankful my NP said I could have pretzels for a midnight snack. Liberty
I am thankful for your family. Julie, Liberty's friend
I am thankful for God, family, friends. So many blessings! Anonymous (Frequently we would wake up in the morning and find a thankful link sitting on our sink counter to be added to the chain by us. We never knew who was writing those night time links, but we assume it was an X-ray tech, or a nurse, or a fellow patient.)
I am thankful for friends far and near. Andrea, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for the gift of creativity. Andrea, Mommy's friend
I am thankful that Harper is making a thankful chain. Liberty (We found out that a girl in our neighborhood at home had heard about the chain and began one for her own family. Liberty was very encouraged by this. One of the bigger battles Liberty faced in the hospital was isolation. She longed to feel like she was part of a community, and the Thankful Chain being built jointly by people in and out of the hospital and in and out of her room helped her quite a bit.)
I am thankful for my piece of junk tablet. Asa, Liberty's friend
I thank God and this country for open doors for me. Enrique, food service
I am thankful Liberty’s doctor just told me she has graduated from “going to die” circumstances to “morbidity!” Yay! Mommy
I am thankful the food is making Liberty healthy. Grandma
I am thankful for my poinsettia. Liberty (The poinsettia was a gift from Grandma.)
I am thankful for pink bows. Especially ones that go on Daddy. Liberty
I am thankful for Nerf guns. Andy, Liberty's friend
I am thankful for grace. Christy, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for friendship. Kayla, Liberty's friend
I am thankful for God's provision. Grant, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for people who go beyond their minimum duty to help others. Mandy, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for all the food I had yesterday on Thanksgiving. Charlene, cleaning lady
I am thankful for my dog Finley. Martha, RN
I am thankful for my family especially my eight grandchildren. Debbie, x-ray tech
I am thankful for great families like this one. Our surgeon
I am thankful for my family. Malea, resident (learning from our surgeon)
I am thankful to help you. Adrein, food service
I am thankful that my California sister came to visit for Thanksgiving and wasn’t afraid of giving hugs. I am thankful to be living in Texas and for the freedoms we have here. Lil, Aunt Alicia‘s mom
I am thankful for my family. Anonymous
I am thankful for my new friend Charlotte and her family. Liberty
I am thankful for my bear, Scotty. Liberty
I am thankful for Aunt Stephanie. Liberty
I am thankful for my nurse, MacKenzie. Liberty
I am thankful for sleep. Liberty
I am thankful for all my patients to be happy and healthy. MacKenzie, RN
I am thankful for Liberty because she has shown me that no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, there is always a reason to smile, love others, and be faithful to our Savior Yeshua!! Thank you, Liberty, for being a spiritual warrior for God and encouraging me through your journey. Ashley, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for everybody in room 3113. VeeVee, Liberty's little sister
I am thankful that I can eat fat. Daddy (Oh, he's a feisty one.)
I am thankful for BOWEL MOVEMENTS! Liberty
I am thankful for my friends. Julia, RN
I am thankful for gift-giving and food. Charlotte, fellow patient
I am thankful for my healthy family. Julia, RN
I am thankful that God always does new things, and that the new things are always better than the old. Mandy, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for my family and friends and for the desire God has put in all our hearts to serve Him above all else. Monica, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for all God has done, and all He’s going to do. Connie, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for a certain hoodie. Liberty
I am thankful for TV to cover the pain. Liberty
I have heard the phrase, “I am thankful for pain, because it means I am still alive.” The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Everything is a hard command but very effective in learning just how good our God truly is! Carolyn, Mommy’s friend
I am thankful for Star Trek dates with Daddy. Liberty
I am thankful for God's strength. Liberty
I am thankful for the Manns. Liberty (The Mann Family are friends of ours, and they went out of their way many, many times to encourage and support us, from an emergency phone call to support Mercy and Victory in Ohio, to almost daily phone calls and texts, to gifts and written stories and photos of the sky and weather since we had no window to see what the sky or the outside world looked like, to even going so far as driving to this city to walk around and around the outside of the hospital grounds while praying, praising, and declaring things that the Holy Spirit revealed to them. God used each of them individually at times and together at other times greatly in my own personal spiritual battles, to encourage all three of us, and to cause things to happen that I won’t go into at this time, but like Liberty declares here, I also am very thankful for the Manns.)
I am thankful for my family. Liberty
I am thankful for friends. Liberty
I am thankful for Lexi and her non-official fiancé. Liberty (Lexi was one of Liberty's nurses, and the non-official fiancé was an inside joke between the two of them. Liberty had me write that link, and you should have seen her mischievous grin when Lexi came back in and read it on the chain!)
I am thankful for being able to write a thankful strip myself, and hopefully in a legible hand. Liberty
I am thankful for the rolling table I am writing this on. Liberty
I am thankful for doctors. Liberty
I am thankful for the thankful chain. Liberty
I am thankful for fish. Liberty (Grandma had just delivered a tiny bit of cooked fish for L to eat.)
I am thankful for my very special mommy. Liberty (awwww 🥰)
I am thankful for healing. Liberty
I am thankful for the cross. Liberty
I am thankful for being alive! Liberty
I am thankful for crying without dying! Liberty (When L's lungs collapsed she could not cry or allow herself to experience emotions that increased her breathing, and afterwards she hurt so badly that crying was still off limits. So when her pain decreased enough to allow her to cry, she was thrilled!)
I am thankful for my four beautiful children and my handsome husband. Brittany, Charlotte's mom
I am thankful for friends, family, and this hospital! Nathan, Charlotte's dad
I am thankful to love my career, patients, and families. Melissa, NP
I am thankful for my cat pickles. Lexi, RN
I am thankful I’m not a turkey on Thanksgiving! Asa, Liberty's friend
I am thankful for friends and family and being able to spend the holidays with them this year! Adrienne, RN
I am thankful for my life and family. Roy, Uncle Rodney’s Dad
I am thankful for watching TV with Daddy. Liberty
I am thankful for good nurses. Liberty
I am thankful for family, health, and my job. Erica, NP
I am thankful for my friends, and family, and my job. Lexi, RN
I am thankful the computer system is being changed for allergies. Liberty
I am thankful for great nurses! Our surgeon
I am thankful for doctors who know what they are doing. Roy, Uncle Rodney's Dad (And I have to add that I am thankful for doctors who are not quite sure what they are doing, but who are willing to try it anyway! Hooray for brave and optimistic doctors who have done as much careful research and checking as they can possibly do in advance and then take a leap of faith trusting God to do whatever else comes next!)
I am thankful for more time in the hospital to make my thankful chain longer. Liberty
I am thankful that I always have 15 minutes between numbing cream and getting poked. Liberty
I am thankful because Lexi just gave me MORE time before she has to poke me! Liberty
I am thankful I get to drink water again! Liberty
I am thankful for my kids and my job. Charlene, cleaning lady
I am thankful for the technology to stay in touch with my friends everywhere. Aunt Alicia
I am thankful to see you getting better. Riad, x-ray tech
I am thankful for my job that allows me to take care of patients and my family. Stacie, Radiology
I am thankful that I get to work with strong and brave and thankful kids and their families. Love, Lindsay, school teacher
I am thankful for Jesus dying for me. It must have been extremely painful, and He thought I was worth it. Liberty
I am thankful for our house and our furnace. Cousin Andy
I am thankful for my coworkers and for making new friends. Jason, RN
I am thankful for Star Wars. Lord Daddy
I am thankful for Liberty’s heart. Mommy
I am thankful for this hospital, for friends, and family, and health. Sara, RN
I am thankful for my family, friends, dog, and my patients, and their families! Courtney, child life
I am thankful that my whole family was home for Thanksgiving. Jackie, unit secretary
I am thankful for family, friends, and people like Liberty! Anonymous
I am thankful for carrots. Liberty
I am thankful for taking care of Liberty! Alisha, RN
I am thankful for my husband and kids! Alisha, RN
I am thankful for VeeVee. Cousin Andy
I am thankful for my baby boys. Karie, X-ray tech
I am thankful for my family and friends. Aunt Alicia
I am thankful for my x-ray team, and our whole team is thankful for getting to be able to take care of Liberty. ❤️ Brenna, Radiology
I am thankful for puppies. Cardiologist (This was a man who stepped into the room and then was forced to fill out a thankful. He never made that mistake again. Every time he spoke to Liberty after that, he carefully stayed at the doorway and insisted he had not come into the room, so the thankful rules did not apply to him. I felt like this was a wonderful decision on his part because it gave Liberty a challenge, and that kept her mind occupied by something else for a while. Also, it was quite amusing!)
I am thankful for Cassidy and Julia. Liberty (two of her nurses)
I am thankful for clean beds. Liberty (Her IV had backed up during the night while she was sleeping, and it squirted blood onto her sheet and her bandages. When she woke up, the blood stain worried her. She wrote this after her bedding and bandages had been changed.)
I am SO thankful for my patients -- YOU, and my family. ❤️ Stacy, N RT (R)
I am thankful for mom. Liberty
I am thankful for every day! Our surgeon
I am thankful for my family and God. Cousin Andy
I am thankful to see that even through difficulties we can still be happy. I am very encouraged for such an opportunity to see this. Thank you. Alex, x-ray
I am thankful for good friends: Liberty, Karl, Mya, and Mercy. Audrey, Liberty's friend
I am thankful for rest. Liberty
I am thankful for the thankful room. We need more of those here! Kelly, x-ray
I am thankful for the opportunity to serve such amazing patients and their families! Meredith, x-ray
I am thankful for meeting new friends like you. Madison, school teacher
I am thankful for hair bows and accessories! Lindsay, school teacher
I am thankful for coffee that I can drink in the morning. Martha, RN
I am thankful for Christmas music. Aunt Alicia
I am thankful for sunshine. Elyssa, NP
I am thankful for sisters. Liberty
I am double thankful for anesthesia. Liberty
I am thankful for photos of incoming storms. Liberty
I am thankful that God has called us to life no matter what circumstance we are in, and that he gives us a part to play in his plan. Mandy, Mommy's friend
I am thankful for Christmas. Our surgeon