Neither of us had any dreams Wednesday night! Hooray for God!
This morning (Thursday) her swelling was larger than last night, and her symptom list was getting longer and more pronounced. I called her family doc, who couldn’t squeeze her in until Friday. Then I called her surgeon's office twice, but no one called me back. Next I decided to take her to the ER since these were the same symptoms and same swelling site that she had the last time when her lungs had collapsed and she needed to be life-flighted, and I knew the ER could do an x-ray for her to check the amount of fluid on her lungs. Based on the size of her current swelling, I assumed we had more time than previously, but I didn’t know how quickly this could progress since last time I had caught it after the progression. I decided we probably had enough time to gather random items we would want for an extended stay back in the hospital with a new chest tube, and that’s what we did. We repacked our not yet fully unpacked suitcases, and I collected all our medical paperwork. Then we drove to our local ER. The same ER that had life-flighted her to the big hospital a month ago.
I cried.
I told God He had better have a REALLY good purpose for this. I would submit, but only if He had a good plan for why we were going back.
Liberty named a certain person at the big hospital who she had given the gospel to, and said maybe we were going back to continue talking with that person about God.
I calmed down a bit. Okay, God, I told Him. That is a great reason! I’ll go back, but only if You’re planning to rescue that person. I wanted to extract a guarantee from Him on this one-sided deal I had just made, but He remained silent.
I couldn’t suck any air in. I began coughing and choking for air. Liberty stayed silent in the back seat. When I asked her how she was doing, she sighed. “I’m memorizing the sky.” During our month in the hospital, we had no windows to see the outside world.
Our friend, who had no idea what was happening at the moment, texted me the following song out of the blue, and Liberty began playing it repeatedly. “Mom, are you listening to these words?” So I stopped to listen.
“I wish I knew when this mountain in my way is gonna move
Hope it's okay to tell the truth
Sometimes the doubt starts to win
Yeah, I'd be lying if I told you I was anything but weak
Right now my struggle is all I see
But I'm not giving in
My story will not end in defeat
Hope it's okay to tell the truth
Sometimes the doubt starts to win
Yeah, I'd be lying if I told you I was anything but weak
Right now my struggle is all I see
But I'm not giving in
My story will not end in defeat
'Cause nothing can stop an unstoppable God
He's not afraid of impossible odds
This is the promise that I'm standing on
Nothing can stop an unstoppable God”
He's not afraid of impossible odds
This is the promise that I'm standing on
Nothing can stop an unstoppable God”
My heart responded immediately, and I knew I had to surrender ALL to my Almighty, Worthy, Unstoppable God. Even another chest tube for Liberty.
Through a jaw and throat so tight with emotion, I forced words to come out loud, “Yes, God. You can have this, too. There doesn’t have to be any spectacular purpose. I will just submit no matter what. If You use this for something great, that’s great. And if we are simply returning for another month or two in the hospital, I’ll put that in Your hands as well.”
My chest loosened immediately, and I could suck full breaths of air in again. My jaw and throat loosened next, and the pain disappeared. I was thankful for that release because the sorrow did not leave me, but a peaceful determination came to be its friend.
At the doors to the ER, Liberty stopped. "Are you okay?" I checked. "Yes" she sighed. "I'm just breathing the fresh air before I have to go back." We stayed at the doors several minutes.
And then guess what???
It was not her lungs filling with fluid after all! It turned out to be the leftover lymphatic fluid being absorbed into her tissues which then swelled up and caused pain! HOORAY!!!!
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