Liberty has had a little bit of fluid output in the tube today. She is a tiny bit worried about that, but all the medical people around here keep assuring her that is to be expected, and it’s not a big deal. Her biggest concerns are all of the odd body things happening. All of her joints crack at every movement. I’m guessing that is from lack of fat to help lubricate. Her skin is sloughing off and looks like old paper. She aches constantly, everywhere, but especially where the chest tube insertion is. Extreme painful constipation is her constant companion, and she has almost constant cold sweats. Her gown and bedding have been changed three times today.
Her merrys for today were “I’m merry because at least my toes don’t hurt.” And “I’m merry because I can finally think clearly enough to complain.” Previously she was so out of it that she couldn’t describe her troubles to her nurses.
We are so merry to be complaining about these inconveniences and not trying to cling to life! 😊
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