A friend asked for an update on the hospital meeting, and I found out that this post I had written this past Tuesday had never been fully posted to the blog. Oops.
So here is the intended post.
Thank you all for praying about the meeting we were supposed to have with the hospital regarding medication troubles. It was scheduled for Monday, December 20th, at 10:00 a.m., but no one showed up for the virtual meeting. When we contacted the main person who had set the meeting up with us, she stated that it was her fault. She had never communicated to the rest of the attendees that the meeting had been set.
A new meeting has now been set for December 28th.
A friend asked me today what specifically the meeting is about. I have not written about the severe troubles Liberty had with medication in the hospital because it was too big for me to handle emotionally while we were in the hospital dealing with everything else, but now that we are home and Liberty is safe there is nothing for me to handle, and writing about it is just passing information on, no emotions attached. Hooray for me!!! I am praying that this information may help save someone else who may find themselves in a similar situation as my daughter was in.
Liberty has severe neurological and physical reactions to red dye. I intend to explain that in better detail in a future post because this information could save another child’s life in the future, but right now I don’t want to take the time to go into it all. Her adverse reaction was listed before the surgery, but after surgery she was given red dye in medications repeatedly, and it did major damage.
We addressed the issue and thought it was resolved, but it wasn’t, and we consequently discovered that the hospital was unable to take care of Liberty because they did not have multiple medications she needed without red dye. We are meeting with the hospital to discuss these issues and to encourage them to consider going dye free for the sake of their future patients.
I know this description sounds mild and like it’s not really a big deal, but when I write what actually happened, you will understand why it truly is a big deal for ALL hospitals and all patients. So please pray fervently along with us for this change to be made starting at this hospital.
Our new meeting is scheduled Tuesday, December 28th.
Thanks for the update. I will be praying tomorrow.