Jeremy sent me to the hotel room to sleep last night with orders not to come back until late afternoon under any circumstance.

When I arrived back in Liberty's room this afternoon, I was greeted with an empty chest tube chamber and the news that Liberty has not needed a specific medication all day that has been being used to combat one of her on-going problems!

Liberty's chest tube has not drained any fluid all day!!!  The doctors are very optimistic, but understandably cautious.  It sounds like sometimes increased movement and increased eating can restart some fluid flow.  So our job in the next few days is to gently test Liberty's limits to see if anything breaks open (and do it without breaking anything open).  BUT this is unheard of.  Sudden stops don't usually happen?  At least that is the impression that I got, but I don't know for sure since I never got to speak with the medical authorities because I was at the hotel SLEEPING!!!  

Hooray for all of us, but especially for Liberty!  And HOORAY FOR GOD!!!
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