
Here is how God has answered our prayers from last night’s post:

1. We got to the hospital on time and with ease!  Hooray!  That may have been my biggest fear for today, and God took great care of that.

2. Liberty has zero fear today.  She is full of joy, and every concern she has expressed this morning has been addressed wonderfully by the staff.

3. They are trying a different anesthesia and have a plan in place to help her quickly if this new one gives her seizures as well.  Keep praying about that, please.

4. Keep praying for the surgeons and team.

5. Keep praying for the people God wants to minister to through all of us.

6. My muscles stopped tensing last night, and they have been loose all morning so far!  My migraine is gone as well!  Extreme happiness for me!

7. I don’t *think* we’ve forgotten anything??? 😁

8. Mercy and VeeVee sounded extremely happy on the phone last night.  VeeVee, my clingy girl, even got off the phone in the middle of our conversation because she would rather play with her cousins!  That was such a relief to my heart!  The cousins are also homeschooled, and Tuesday is their co-op day.  My girls are thrilled to get to see their cousins’ co-op and join in on their learning fun.  Mercy’s only concern last night was that she was going to be the only girl in a class of boys today, but you could hear a mixture of pleasure as well as dread in her voice.  Liberty teased her on the phone about it, and then got to have fun joking around via phone with all her cousins.

9. We were all in bed around 8 pm, and Jeremy fell asleep around 8:30 last night.  I didn’t fall asleep until around 2 am.  The room was hot, and I just didn’t feel right, but my muscles had stopped cramping, so that was wonderful.  When I woke Liberty up this morning she had a small stack of thank you notes made for everyone who would help her while she was sedated today.  She said she made them in the night because she couldn’t sleep.  She also says the one thing besides getting rid of this pain in her heart that she is looking forward to from the surgery is getting to sleep.  So hopefully we are nearing the end of our sleepless nights.

I woke this morning at 5 am and smelled wonderful smells coming from the kitchen.  Jeremy had woken up at 4:30 am and operated in his love language - food.  He cooked breakfast, lunch, and supper for us and packed it for the hospital.  I just ate breakfast before starting this post.  It was yummy!

This was Liberty this morning right before surgery.

And this is Jeremy now.  He is sleeping.  I have no idea how he can sleep anywhere and everywhere.  I wish I could do that!

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