
Would you like to know how wonderful our God is?  Let me tell you a story.

But I’m very, very tired, so I need to keep it short.

Liberty’s hard night was followed by an uncomfortable morning, and I was very surprised when the doctor announced she was ready to leave ICU for a step-down unit (which is a level of care between ICU and a regular hospital room.)  Thankfully, God had given us an amazing nurse who was able to answer all my questions and set me at ease over this move.  Unfortunately, Liberty became overwhelmed by the move and by a series of crazy circumstances that occurred one right after another right after another.  I told God, “It’s like she can’t catch a break.  What’s up with that, God?”

As the day progressed, and things continued getting worse, Liberty turned to me and said, “Mom, I’m struggling to hold back a panic attack.  Help!”

I tried several things, and finally lifted my hands in petition.  “God,” I said tiredly, “we can’t go anymore.  I need You to fill this room and fight for Your daughter Liberty.  Do something, please!”

I won’t go into details because I’m trying to keep this story short, but God began prompting people to reach out to her.

“Blessed is the man who perseveres when under trial, because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James chapter one, I'm not sure which verse.” came the first text.

It’s Not Over Yet came the link in the second text.

A man carrying Liberty’s lunch entered our room and asked Liberty how she was doing.  Her quiet answer caused him to stop in his tracks and turn his full attention to her.  “It will get better, Little Lady, just hang on.”

“Hang on to what?” Liberty asked.

“Hang on to God,” he responded.

Liberty’s face looked grim.

“That’s the only thing you need to concentrate on,” the man continued.  “Your only job is to hang on to Him with all your might, and let Him fight for you.  He will calm you, and He will get you through this.”  She thought about that and nodded.

A third text arrived immediately after the man’s exit. “Hang in there. God will get you all thru this.”

I had to laugh at God’s repetition to Liberty.  She smiled about it, and went digging for encouraging songs herself.  She landed on this one Fix My Eyes and listened to it over and over.

I’d like to say life got easier after that, but it didn’t.  In fact the things that happened next were almost comical in the “what else can go wrong?” category.  We began - not laughing, exactly - but at least finding some of the humor through our tears in these ridiculous situations.  And we hung on to God with determination.  Speaking bits of praise out loud here and there.

Please keep praying.

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