
Missy asked me to help her write a blog post that helps to fill in some of the gaps in Liberty's story, because she understands that it's frustrating to all of us on the outside to be craving information on how God is answering our prayers. But, sitting down with my notes, I completely sympathize with her, because it's difficult to know how to start.  So, I am going to split this into two posts, starting with more in-depth prayer requests, because I think that will be the easier part, and it gives all of us ways to be involved. So, here they are, in no particular order.

1. In addition to sending Liberty video messages (per the previous post), please pray for liberty's spirit to be uplifted. This is repeated from a previous post, but if you're anything like me, it's easy to forget from day to day what the specific prayers were, so please pray for her to keep holding on to God. For now, our young fighter needs to rest in God, put down her sword, put on the shoes of peace and belt of truth, and be surrounded by a shield of faith.

2. Keep praying for the chylothorax to heal and for Liberty to regain the ability to swallow normally. She had hope that the surgery would free up her esophagus, but she is still having difficulty swallowing. Pray for the speech therapist to be able to figure out the problem and that the solution will be non-invasive. Please pray that she will have the strength to sit by herself.

3. For Jeremy and Missy to know when to speak and when to be still, to be diplomatic, to be full of grace and peace, and to be lights of God's love to all they encounter. Pray that the staff will feel at ease with them.

4. Please pray for God's spirit to fill the hospital, for angels to surround it and protect those within. Pray for the patients, families, and staff to feel uplifted, and there to be a revival because of the light of those who love God. 

5. The family has encountered several places where the hospital could use some improvement. One big one is the dietary department; for example, the menu that Liberty has to choose from due to her dietary restrictions is far too limited. Happily, the staff is open to ideas, and Missy's mom is there with a big heart and a recipe book, cooking for Liberty in the hotel room.  Missy’s dad drives the food to the hotel, and either Jeremy or Missy comes down to get it.  They are having many conversations to get kitchen things changed for future patients. Please pray for wisdom for Grandma, and for her all the staff and decision makers, that the Lord will use them to provide better food for the children at the hospital.  

1. Praise the Lord for friends who have been sending messages of prayer, scripture, and encouragement.
2. Praise the Lord for hospital staff who have been so helpful and are listening!  They have even requested help from Grandma in the nutrition department!
3. Praise the Lord for Liberty's slow but steady physical recuperation from heart surgery and from her one and a half collapsed lungs. 😊

-A friend in prayer

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