
First off, thank YOU.  We received so many videos and messages and things we haven’t had time to go through them all!

Secondly, I thought I’d tell you about our day.  Several discouraging things happened in a row on Wednesday, and Liberty was already feeling down, so those things made it all worse.  I decided something drastic had to be done.  

I, too, have been feeling really discouraged, and Wednesday morning when I woke up I talked it over with God.  He told me to get dressed. You see, when I packed for Liberty’s heart surgery ages ago, I packed sweatpants and comfy shirts thinking I’d be overnight in the hospital a bit, and I packed two nicer outfits for going home: jeans, nice shirts.  When Liberty was life flighted, I had not yet unpacked my hospital suitcase, so it got brought along full of dirty clothes.  The dirty clothes had been washed the day after we arrived by my amazing parents, and I’ve been wearing sweatpants and comfy shirts all week.  But this morning God told me to get dressed for living.  The sweatpants were placeholder pants, meant to keep me comfy while I waited to get back to my real life.  God showed me THIS is my real life, and I need to LIVE it fully whether it is what I would have chosen for myself or not.  So I put on my jeans and good shirt today, and I prayed for God to show me creative ways to introduce life back into my girl.

By the way, no matter how badly Liberty has felt physically or emotionally, she has always gone out of her way to engage deeply with every person who enters her room.  Today, God sent Lindsay to visit us, and she offered crafting supplies.  Liberty decided to make a paper chain to decorate the room.  But you know Liberty.  A simple chain would never do.  Her chain comes with rules.  Thankful rules.  Which got taped with medical tape to the outside of her room door.

It’s working!  Every doctor, nurse, housekeeper, dietician, specialist, etc. has been informed that they’ve entered the Thankful Room and must abide by the rules.  Liberty even contributed a few strips herself throughout the day.

And then tonight, breakthrough!  God won in her heart, and I’m excited to see what He does with it! 😃

9 Responses
  1. Phyllis Pan Says:
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  2. Phyllis Pan Says:

    Hi Liberty, I am friends with Lilian, Allie, and Bernadette. I wanted to let you know I am praying for you. Your Thankful chain looks great! : )

  3. Missy Says:

    Hi, Phyllis! Thank you for praying! 😊

  4. Missy Says:

    Hi, Phyllis! Thank you for praying! 😊

  5. Missy Says:

    Hi, Phyllis! Thank you for praying! 😊

  6. Missy Says:

    Hi, Phyllis! Thank you for praying! 😊

  7. Missy Says:

    Hi, Phyllis! Thank you for praying! 😊

  8. Alliesings Says:

    Aww, thank you, Phyllis ❤️

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