This has been a wonderful day!  We decided the night before that we were going to take Thanksgiving off from being in the hospital, so we started by sleeping in. Apparently the hospital staff were in on our plans, and no one woke us up!  No early morning lung X-rays, which is Liberty’s usual first thing in the morning procedure, no doctor visits, no rounds updates, no nurses checking vital signs.  We found out later all of those things were supposed to happen, but our wonderful nurse stopped everyone outside our door and sent them away.  God must have told her we needed a break.  He is so good to us!  I’m very glad she listened!

By the way, to everyone praying for Liberty’s pain, you need to know that she has gone a day and a half with zero pain medication.  The nurses are saying this is unheard of for patients with a chest tube.  But God. 😃 Thank you for continuing to pray about that.

Liberty and I sat and watched and read many of the messages from you all.  What an uplifting thing!  We haven’t even gotten to half of them yet.  Liberty gets tired out very quickly, and it is nice to have more to look forward to tomorrow.  Thank you all!  Several of you sent thankfuls to be added to Liberty’s chain.  We love that!  I said we should set a goal of wrapping our room in thankfuls, but Liberty wants to sneak our chain out the door and start covering the hallway in thankfulness.  She’s ambitious.  

Yesterday or two days ago, Liberty saw a little girl in the hall with a chest tube and attached container like Liberty’s.  We immediately began praying for her and her family, and the next time we saw them we waved like crazy.  The poor girl looked absolutely miserable, so Liberty called out from her bed, “Look!  We have matching chest tubes!  Isn’t that cool?  I have a chest tube, too!”  The girl’s parents stopped and tried to get her to respond, but it was pretty obvious she was in a LOT of pain and did not want to be conversing.  Liberty smiled and told her, “Chest tubes hurt, don’t they?  I’m praying for God to help yours not hurt so badly anymore.”  Over the next two days we prayed for much more than that for her and her family, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Later that first night I left our room to get some water, and I ran into the girl’s father.  He told me that the thankful signs outside Liberty’s door had been a huge encouragement to him and his wife.  I felt moved to pray for them, and he ended up telling me their story.  Charlotte is five years old.  She was a twin, but her sister passed away.  They have three other kids at home as well.  Charlotte was born with only one working heart chamber, and she is on her third heart surgery.  They are hoping this one is her last until she needs a transplant as an adult.  The parents both lost their jobs to come here.  The mom works at a gas station and the dad works at an RV factory, and neither job would give them two weeks off.  They drove here and stayed in a hotel the night before Charlotte’s surgery, and when they got up in the morning to drive to the hospital, they found their truck had been stolen along with everything inside.  Someone from the hotel drove them to the hospital to get there in time for her surgery.  Please keep praying for this family along with us.

The next time we saw them in the hall, both mom and dad stopped and asked if they could add to Liberty’s thankful chain.  So we passed strips and markers out to them, and they wrote their gratitude.  We also exchanged names and phone numbers.  We kept praying fervently for them, especially for Charlotte who seriously did not want anything to do with us, to her parents’ chagrin.

But today!  Today, Nate stopped by our door with a sucker for Liberty from Charlotte!  Liberty couldn’t accept it because of her strict diet, so she passed the word that she would rather have a thankful strip added to her chain from Charlotte.  An hour or so later, Brittany came by saying Charlotte was requesting a thankful strip! 😃  Liberty and I cheered!  Brittany carried the strip home to Charlotte, and Liberty got to work drawing a picture for Charlotte of the two of them holding hands in their hospital gowns.  Now, Liberty has a coloring page taped to her wall of Minnie Mouse colored for Liberty by Charlotte!  We are so happy!  Charlotte even stopped by our door to say a very quiet “Happy Thanksgiving” to us. 💖

In the afternoon Daddy came in with a special Thanksgiving dinner he and Grandma and Grandpa had worked very hard over just for Liberty and me!  Hooray!  It was very tasty, and Liberty is thrilled that they brought salt and pepper shakers for her personal use.

We got to hang out with Daddy and call Mercy and Victory at their cousins’ house, and that was wonderful even if it did make Liberty cry from missing her sisters.  As Liberty and I keep reminding ourselves, it is so happy to be crying and not dying!  (PS: I know a few of you have been praying about Liberty’s inability to cry.  Thank you!  God has heard your prayers and granted her enough health to be able to cry and not die!)

Healthwise, this has been Liberty’s best day ever.  She has been experiencing tachycardia episodes ever since she arrived, but they gave her IV fluids last night.  Her heart has slowed way down, and she had so much energy today!  She has lost 11 pounds in the last ten days, and today she gained 3/4ths of a pound, so that was happy, too.  

Also, today we decided Daddy needed to go be with Mercy and VeeVee for the weekend, so we are super excited on their behalf.  Please keep praying for all my girls and for Jeremy and me.  We need your prayers badly.
2 Responses
  1. Ashley Johnson-Windham Says:

    Good day, Liberty! I want to say right off hand that you are an amazing young lady. I have been praying for you, your mama, and your family. I cannot imagine the pain and fear that comes along with such a serious medical procedure at your age. I know your mama from college ��. You are so very blessed for having her to love you and be there for you always. �� You are protected, healed, sustained, and blessed by our heavenly Father. I am blessed by seeing your strength and joyful perseverance through all of this. So,I hope that I am not too late to post what I'm thankful for for your thankful chain. If not, I am thankful for Liberty Sherron because she has shown me that no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, there is always a reason to smile, love others, and be faithful to our Savior Yeshua!! Thank you, Liberty, for being a spiritual warrior for God and encouraging me through your journey. I love you, sweet girl, and I am praying continually!

  2. Unknown Says:

    Good morning SWEETIE. Just wanted you to know that UNCLE TOM and I are thinking about you all the time. Didn't know ypu were in the hospital till the other day. Praying for you so much. Love you.

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