Well, what we were hoping for - miraculous healing without a surgery - did not happen today. Liberty says she is glad for that because she was looking forward to all the new people she’s going to meet during her stay in the hospital. Plus it’s always fun to have a new adventure in life, and neither of those things would happen if God healed her early. I have to admit, I am also excited about the week ahead and finding out who God has for us to minister to and be ministered by.
God arranged for her surgery to be laparoscopic (well, thorascopic, if I’m spelling that right). Pray for the surgeons because this will be their first time using the thorascopic instruments in a surgery like this. She has two surgeons, one has done this type of surgery many times but never thorascopically, and the other has done many thorascopic surgeries, but never on the heart. It turns out Liberty’s body and healthiness is just perfect for someone to learn on. That is really cool, and Jeremy and I have complete peace about this turn of events.
Liberty would like to report a praise that God did for her today. She has sensory processing issues, and they were trying different things today to get her blood drawn without too much tragedy. In the end, the surgeons decided they would simply draw her blood tomorrow while she is sedated! Liberty is overjoyed!!!
Oh yes, she insists that you all get to see the cool dragon scale tiles at the hospital. They make her smile every time she sees them.
Things to pray for:
1. Us to get to the hospital on time (6 am 😩)
2. Her fear level to stay low, and her trust level to stay high
3. For her not to have a reaction to the anesthesia (the last one gave her seizures)
4. God to guide the surgeons’ hands and brains
5. For all of us to be able to love the people around us in the hospital well
6. For my muscles to stop tensing up painfully
7. For us not to forget anything that we’ll want to have with us tomorrow
8. Mercy and VeeVee to continue having a wonderful time at their cousins’ house 😊
9. Good sleep tonight for all
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