
"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them."  Isaiah 42:16

Every time I speak with the medical personnel at the hospital, I am reminded how out-of-the-ordinary this path is.  They don't have protocols in place for the way we came to them, and because of that, they don't know how to respond to me.  I've lost track of how many times I've been told they can't tell me something or they can't do something because Liberty doesn't have a cardiologist.  And then the barriers suddenly break down, and they do the thing - whatever it is - for her anyway.  God is doing this.  He is her cardiologist.

I called the hospital again to find out the latest news.  Liberty's surgery is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, November 15th and 16th.  The doctors saw her case and bumped her to the front of the line.  They have no other news for me than that.  Their internet is down, so they cannot direct me to a website with more information about the procedure.  The nurse on the phone said, "It is low-risk," when I asked her for specific details about the surgery, and when I pushed for more information she told me she would put an info packet in the mail to me.

The lack of knowledge is frustrating.  Stumbling around blindly is aggravating.  I keep being tempted to anxiety and anger at the poor communication.  But God.  God is turning the darkness into light right before every next step.  He isn't lighting the entire pathway, just what needs to be stepped on next right before we step.  He is making the rough places smooth, and I am experiencing amazing peace when I stop trying to see the entire path at once.  

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